Vivek Dahiya’s Determination Despite Being Injured

On-screen character Vivek Dahiya, who is at present observed fighting the malice in Qayamat Ki Raat, had a significant night while shooting for the up and coming promotion of his show.

Our source near the creation educates us, “We were shooting for a doctor’s facility scene and out of the blue one of the stands hit a camera man’s head. Every one of us including Vivek rushed to him as we saw blood trickling from his temple to his pants. In any case, we couldn’t discover the source! Vivek at that point said it must be from the jug however that was additionally unblemished and we later understood that the harmed was really Vivek!”

Vivek was later swathed and he kept on shooting for an additional two hours post his damage. Indeed, the performing artist needed to expel the gauze from the harmed territory to ensure that progression in the scene would not be lost.

We connected with Vivek who affirmed, “Yes I had a mischance the previous evening on sets. After pack up, I raced to the healing center for lines and I have returned to work today. I’ve possessed the capacity to utilize the torment which I am experiencing in my scene in light of the fact that my character too is found in torment. Henceforth my center has turned into the agony as opposed to attempting to forget about it!”

Vivek has been returned to his shoot from early today, which we should state is very noteworthy!